Writing a blog aimed at web developers, such as this one, often requires embedding raw HTML code on the page for review. We could use HTML's pre element, but then we'd miss out on the syntax highlighting that facilitates code review.
Other solutions#
A simple web search for HTML syntax highlighter yields many solutions, most of which offload the task to Javascript. In essence, the web developer is asked to embed a rather large, external Javascript file which will scour the page for blocks of code and prettify them on the fly.
This is an okay approach, if not for the extra bandwidth, the call to an external Javascript file (XSS, anyone?), and the fact that it requires Javascript to function. What we wanted, instead, was server-side code that mimics PHP's built-in highlight_string. You can see the result of using this function in the screenshots above.
Our solution#
Rather than requiring a massive library for a simple task, we set out to create our own simple XML (and, by extension, XHTML) syntax highlighter that runs on PHP. Of course, we adhere to our own coding standards, which make use of Object-Oriented Programming, and libraries to provide functionality cheaply and on-demand.
The result is the XmlHighlighter class, described in more detail below.
How it works#
The XmlHighlighter class accepts a string or a filename (similar to PHP's highlight_string and highlight_file).
It then parses the file using PHP's DOM extension. Once loaded, the class calls a recursive method to iterate over the XML tree-structure, parsing each node type and producing a nested tree structure.
XmlHighlighter makes ample use of HTML classes to provide contextual, syntactical meaning to each element, such as:
- tagname
- attrname
- attrvalue
- comment
- commentvalue
- literal
- pi (processing instruction)
- doctype
- unknown-# (# is the PHP value of the nodeType attribute)
This in turn allows the web designer to stylize (and colorize) the code using CSS.
To see the code in action, consider the HTML structure below, which is the basic skeleton of the file you're reading:
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://schema.org/Corporation">
- <head prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#">
- <title>
- XML/HTML Syntax Highlighter in PHP | OpenWeb Solutions, LLC
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- <meta property="og:description" content="A simple, drop-in solution for fully customizable, highly structured, XML (and XHTML) code highlighter written in PHP." />
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Download the source file for comparison.
XmlHighlighter class#
Below is the full source of the class in question, this time colorized by PHP's highlight_string function (as part of our semantic text editor). You can also download the source directly.
* Set of tools for syntax highlighting of XML documents.
* The main class, XmlHighlighter, uses PHP's DOM extension to parse
* the given input, and then converts that input into a list
* (XUl). As such, this class requires PHP's DOM extension as well as
* the OWS's HtmlLib.
* @author OpenWeb Solutions, LLC
* @version 2014-02-11
* Exception for highlighters
* @author OpenWeb Solutions, LLC
* @version 2014-02-11
class XmlHighlighterException extends Exception {}
* Code to highlight XML snippets
* @author OpenWeb Solutions, LLC
* @created 2014-02-11
class XmlHighlighter {
protected $dom;
protected $output;
protected $classPrefix = '';
protected $nonEmptyNodes = array();
* Creates a new XML Highlighter
public function __construct() {
$this->dom = new DOMDocument();
public function setClassPrefix($pre = "") {
$this->classPrefix = $pre;
* Specify list of nodeNames that should always contain closing tags.
* This will render as <div></div> instead of <div /> even if there
* are no children, for all nodeNames specified in list.
* @param Array $list the list of nodeNames
public function setNonEmptyNodes(Array $list) {
$this->nonEmptyNodes = $list;
* Produce an XUl element containing the given fragment or document
public function highlight(&$text) {
if (!$this->dom->loadXML($text))
throw new XmlHighlighterException("Unable to parse string.");
$this->output = new XUl();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->dom->childNodes->length; $i++) {
$this->convert($this->dom->childNodes->item($i), $this->output);
return $this->output;
* Convenience wrapper around highlight
* @see highlight
public function highlightFile($filename) {
$text = file_get_contents($filename);
return $this->highlight($text);
* Recursively parses the given node and fill the given $output
protected function convert($node, $output) {
switch ($node->nodeType) {
$li = new XLi(array(new XSpan("<"),
new XSpan($node->nodeName, array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'tagname'))));
// attributes
for ($i = 0; $i < $node->attributes->length; $i++) {
$this->convert($node->attributes->item($i), $li);
// children
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
$li->add(new XSpan(">"));
$li->add($sub = new XUl());
for ($i = 0; $i < $node->childNodes->length; $i++) {
$this->convert($node->childNodes->item($i), $sub);
else {
if (!in_array($node->nodeName, $this->nonEmptyNodes)) {
$li->add(new XSpan(" />"));
$li->add(new XSpan(">"));
// close tag
$li->add(new XSpan("</"));
$li->add(new XSpan($node->nodeName, array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'tagname')));
$li->add(new XSpan(">"));
$output->add(" ");
$output->add(new XSpan($node->nodeName, array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'attrname')));
$output->add(new XSpan(sprintf("\"%s\"", $node->nodeValue), array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'attrvalue')));
$val = trim($node->nodeValue);
if (strlen($val) > 0) {
$output->add(new XLi($node->nodeValue, array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'literal')));
$output->add(new XLi(array("<!-- ",
new XSpan($node->nodeValue, array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'commentvalue')),
" -->"),
array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'comment')));
$li = new XLi(array("<?",
new XSpan($node->nodeName, array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'tagname')),
" ",
new XSpan($node->nodeValue, array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'attrname'))),
array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'pi'));
$li = new XLi(new XSpan($node->internalSubset, array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'doctype')));
$output->add(new XLi($node->nodeValue, array('class' => $this->classPrefix . 'unknown-' . $node->nodeType)));
public static function htmlNonEmptyNodes() {
return array('div', 'td', 'tr', 'table');
Possible drawbacks#
As mentioned in the comments of the file and in the section on How it works, this particular solution makes use of PHP's DOM extension. Thus, it requires at least PHP 5, which we hope you're using for your own sake.
The current implementation also requires the HtmlLib library we discussed in our XML Library article. Specifically, it requires the following objects:
- XUl (the UL element)
- XLi (the LI element)
- XSpan
These classes are small enough that they may be embedded directly in the file above, at the developer's discretion.
For completeness, we have added the XmlHighlighter class to our PHPLIB repository.
The code works with any valid XML fragment or document. Because it is a PHP class, it can be extended as needed in order to tweak its functionality. It's very small, and therefore easy to debug and work with. It can also handle any schema.
It is our sincerest hope that this simple solution to a common problem serves the needs of other web developers, and also inspire others to extend it and create highlighters of their own.
Continue the discussion on Twitter. Follow @OpenWebSolns